Antenatal Blood Group and Antibody Screen

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Tests:Antenatal Blood Group and Antibody Screen
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Test Antenatal Blood Group and Antibody Screen
Synonym(s) Antibody Screening, antenatal group and screen, Blood Group, also see 1st and 2nd Antenatal
Specimen 6 mL EDTA (Pink top). Minimum labelling - Surname + Forename + NHI Number and/or Date of Birth
Paediatric Specimen N/A
Add-on conditions 3 days @ 4°C
Test Availability Mon - Fri 0800 - 1600
Turnaround Time Hastings / Central HB / Wairoa 24 hours
Where analysed Hastings
Department Transfusion Medicine, (06) 878 1308 ext. 2645
Registration Code BB
Deletion Code N/A
Useful Information
Measurement Uncertainty N/A